The Power of Sound

If we nourish ourselves with sound,
we can find balance and harmony.
Then we will flourish.

You’ve probably
the healing power
of sound

The pleasure you feel when you listen to a song that evokes happy memories.

The soothing pitter patter of rain outside while you are relaxing at home.

The awe you feel when you hear birds in song on an early morning walk.

The warm timbre of a loved one’s voice on a long distance phone call.

The creaking and crunching of snow beneath your feet.

Take a trip
to another world

Sit back, put your headphones on;
and let the sounds carry you away.

Sound soothes and calms you;
it energises you;
and inspires you.

Sound can harmonise
everything that is right.

Sound maintains your health

Sound can enhance
your life

Experience some of my sounds which will give you a sense of what it may be like to work with me

“There will come a time when a diseased condition will not be described as it is today by physicians and psychologists, but it will be spoken of in musical terms, as one would speak of a piano that was out of tune”

— Rudolf Steiner

Sound is also a potent healing tool for
disease and trauma.

It has the power to rebalance
and retune your body and mind.

Drawing on ancient practices and modern research into the effects of sound, rhythm and vibration, we create immersive and healing sound experiences.

Upcoming Events

We create bespoke sound therapy sessions for whatever you need in that moment.

Ruth is your go-to for sound therapy and sound massage, offering a calming touch to your sessions.

She use’s instruments like Tibetan singing bowls, drums, and gongs to create soothing and healing soundscapes.

Brillo specialises in drum baths, where the steady rhythm of the drum helps you relax and find your inner balance. And if you really want to be even more immersed in the beats, Ruth can join the session with her drum too!

Whether it's our voices guiding you in meditations or just the simple tones, we're here to support your healing journey with vibrational medicine.



What’s your drum medicine?

Years of exploring drumming magic has led me to start creating the "Drum Spirit Oracle".

Whether you're called to shamanic journeys or the energy of a drum circle, these cards can help you discover what drum medicine you need right now.

Curious? Just click the button to explore the full set with meanings.