Reclaiming the Drum: Healing in a Medieval Church

Life has a way of leading us down unexpected paths and through transformative doorways.

My journey took me from the conflict-ridden streets of Northern Ireland to the sacred rhythms of healing drum journeys in a medieval church. As you peer through this old doorway, you'll witness a story of transformation—from fear to empowerment, from division to connection, from forgetting to remembering.

Through the beat of the drum, I've discovered a profound truth: sometimes, the very things that once caused us pain can become our greatest sources of healing. This is my story of reclaiming the drum and, in the process, remembering who I truly am.

Sound Healer facilitating a drum journey at the Mount Without in Bristol

Welcoming participants to a drum journey at The Mount Without, Bristol

Growing up in Northern Ireland, the sound of drums was oppressive—a constant reminder of conflict, killings, and division. At the sonic helm of the marches, was a drum called the 'Lambeg'.

A massive, booming forty-pound drum worn on a harness and beaten with curved bamboo sticks. It was extremely loud and shrill. Apparently it is one of the nosiest acoustic instruments in the world. It always made me feel anxious. Even though I was "part" of that community growing up.

An Orange Order Lambeg drumming contest in County Tyrone in 2002.

If someone had told me back then that I would one day embrace the drum as a healing tool, I would have shrieked with laughter. And yet here I am, co-creating drum journeys that have reshaped not only my relationship with this ancient instrument but also with my identity.

From Conflict to Healing: Transforming Trauma through Drumming

Today, our drum journeys are a bridge between past wounds and present healing. Drumming no longer represents division for me. Instead, it connects me to my ancient Irish ancestors, helping me reclaim my heritage in a positive and powerful way. My identity as Irish, which was once so fraught for me, now feels grounded and whole, shaped by the rhythms of the drum.

A short excerpt from a recent drum journey at The Mount Without in Bristol

My drums have heightened my awareness, sharpened my creativity, and helped me focus in ways I never thought possible. Through the act of drumming, I've been able to release the trauma I carried for so long—trauma tied not just to political conflict but to deeply personal experiences, ancestral wounds, and the collective pain of my community.

The beat of the drum has become a potent medicine, offering not just grounding and clarity, but a pathway to navigate and transform the complex layers of individual and shared trauma.

I first came to this work while navigating one of the most debilitating pain flare-ups of my life. I was physically and emotionally broken, but the drum offered me a way through the pain—one beat at a time.

That's why I now bring this drum medicine to others, offering it as a path for those seeking healing from their own physical, emotional, and ancestral traumas.

Ruth and Brillo are two incredibly talented and joyful people whose sounds and poetry reached my soul and created such physical, mental and emotional responses within me.

Every cell in my body danced to their rhythms and ancient traumas were released. Such a joyful and magical experience, I can’t wait to return for more. Thank you Beautiful Souls.
— Ruth Hartley

The Mount Without: Drum Healing in a Medieval Church

A shamanic drum journey at the Mount Without in Bristol

What makes this journey even more poignant is where I now co-facilitate these sessions—a 900-year-old medieval church called The Mount Without.

Growing up in Northern Ireland, my experience with church spaces was complex and often challenging. The historical context of religious tension in my home country meant that churches felt more like symbols of division than places of solace.

Today, this church—now deconsecrated and repurposed—has become such a precious container for our drum journeys.

As someone who has a research degree in medieval history, I'm deeply aware of the rich historical and cultural significance these spaces hold. Over the centuries, churches have served various roles in society, from centres of community and learning to, at times, instruments of social control.

The stone walls of The Mount Without, which once echoed with centuries of prayers and rituals, now serve as a beautiful space for various healing practices. Whether through the rhythmic grounding beats of the drum, the soothing vibrations of sound baths, or the power of breath work, this ancient space has transformed to meet the needs of our modern, healing community. My background in medieval history allows me to appreciate the rich layers of meaning here, connecting ancient wisdom with contemporary healing approaches.

Celtic Drumming: Reconnecting with Ancestral Wisdom

There's something deeply Celtic about this work, too.

My academic journey into medieval history has given me a profound appreciation for ancient practices of healing, ritual, and connection to the land.

My drum connects me not only to my personal history but also to the broader history of the Celts—people who understood the power of sound, rhythm, and collective healing.

In co-facilitating these drum journeys, I'm not just holding space for individual healing; I'm inviting people to reconnect with something much older than themselves. The drum is an ancient instrument, one that has been used for centuries to connect people with Mother Earth, their ancestors, and each other. It's no accident that we gather in a medieval church—a space that has witnessed countless cycles of history—because we are tapping into that same timeless energy.


Experience the Healing Power of Drum Journeys

Oh my gosh!!! I have been to this drum journey before. I love it! I love it! It’s my medicine.

Ruth and Brillo are so welcoming and heartfelt.

I have a lot going on.. and this is helping and supporting me so much.
— Geraldine Simms

Feel the stirring within you? It's the drum calling you home.

The drum is a primal echo through time, resonating with your very DNA. In this medieval church, centuries of devotion meet timeless drumbeats. Here, we can remember who we truly are.

The drum awakens our inner wisdom. It uncovers our hidden strengths. We connect deeply with ourselves and our ancestors. This journey isn't about fixing what's broken. It's about uncovering the wholeness that has always been there.

Join me in this sacred space. Ground yourself in a chaotic world. Reconnect with your ancestral wisdom. It's a homecoming to your true self.

The drums are waiting. Let's remember together.


Discover Your Drum Medicine with Oracle Cards


The Wounded Healer: Embracing our Shadows for Growth