
Discover Your Drum Medicine with Oracle Cards
Explore the healing power of drumming with our drum-inspired oracle cards, guiding you on a journey of self-discovery.

Reclaiming the Drum: Healing in a Medieval Church
From the traumatic drumbeats of conflict in Northern Ireland to healing drum journeys at The Mount Without in Bristol, my journey reveals how ancient rhythms can transform pain into a pathway for reconnection and self-discovery.

My womb healing journey: Reclaiming my feminine power
Join me on an intimate exploration of my journey to reconnect with my womb space and awaken the wild, wise lioness within.

The Science behind Shamanic Drumming
Discover the science behind shamanic drumming and how the journeys can profoundly affect your brain and body, offering a powerful tool for healing and transformation.

Discovering Drum Journeying: A Personal Story
Dive into Beth's story as she explores the powerful world of shamanic drumming, finding joy, courage, and deep connections along the way.

Shamanic Drum Journeying
Drum journeying is a practice rooted in Shamanic wisdom, using different rhythms to transport you to a trance-like state. Check out our short video of a recent drum journeying experience.

Ancient Beats in Modern Times: The Power of Drum Journeying
Step into the rhythm of drum journeying, where ancient beats offer a journey into our shared past the wisdom that lies within all of us.

Can you feel the beat?
Discover how drum baths can support you to rebalance and come back into tune.

Transcendental Medication
How drumming supported Brillo to rid himself of depression and find joy in the simple things in life.

How medical science failed me & drum medicine saved me
The story of how drumming reduced my chronic pain and allowed me to gain control of my life again.