1-1 Somatic Coaching

Welcome to the beginning of our six-part somatic healing journey. The questions that follow are designed to create a deep understanding of where you are in your life right now and what's alive within your body-mind system.

By exploring these questions, you'll begin to map your inner landscape and bring awareness to patterns, sensations, and wisdom that your body holds. This awareness is the first step toward meaningful change.

Your responses will help us create a focused and personally tailored approach to our work together.

Take your time with each question. There are no right or wrong answers - what matters is your honest experience. As you reflect, notice not just your thoughts, but also any physical sensations, emotions, or impulses that arise. These bodily responses often hold important clues to our deeper patterns and needs.

Feel free to pause, breathe, and connect with your body as you move through these questions. The more present and honest you can be with your responses, the more effectively we can work together toward your healing and growth.

Thank you, I look forward to this journey with you.