Women's Drum Circle: Finding connection, joy, & growth together

"It feels primal in a world that is dominated by technology, you feel a collective consciousness in a society that is set up to drive individualism."

These powerful words, shared by Sharon, a participant in the women's drumming circle at the Bristol Goddess Temple, encapsulate the essence of what makes this gathering so special.

In a modern world that often feels disconnected from the rhythms of nature and the wisdom of our ancestors, the drumming circle offers a sacred space to reconnect with ourselves, each other, and the ancient feminine power that resides within us all.

Through the primal beats of our drums, we tap into a collective consciousness that transcends the boundaries of time and culture, allowing us to access the transformative energy of the divine feminine.

The circle provides a safe, supportive space for women to explore their creativity, release emotions, and tap into their inner wisdom.

Have you ever been curious about the transformative power of drumming? We gathered feedback from some of our participants to give you a glimpse into the magic that happens when women come together to drum.

Jane's Story: Releasing the Joy of the Inner Child

Jane came to her first drumming circle because it was something she thought would be fun. "I had thought that it might be structured or include lots of instructions so I was surprised at how free flowing it was, just allowing you to release whatever rhythm you feel," she shares. "I also liked the intention setting at the beginning of the session."

As she immersed herself in the drumming, Jane experienced a deep sense of connection: "The feelings I felt when drumming with a group of women was a non-verbal connection. Trying to weave my beats with others while at the same time staying true to what I needed to release felt really good."

Woman playing shamanic drum in Bristol

The impact of the experience stayed with Jane long after the circle ended. "I actually cried with laughter on the drive home from my first session," she reveals. "

It definitely released the joy of my inner child, which can be so hard to access sometimes in our serious adult lives."

Jane's message to other women?

“I would encourage everyone to come along. It's very informal. You get to meet lovely women and play with different instruments, and there is even a break for tea and biscuits."

I would encourage everyone to come along. It’s very informal. You get to meet lovely women and play with different instruments, and there is even a break for tea and biscuits.
— Jane

Sharon's Journey: From Skeptic to Devotee

When Sharon's reiki master first suggested the drumming circle, Sharon was skeptical.

"I'd expected it to be a bit of 'forced fun', and as an introvert that I might feel pressured to act sociable and be joyous," she admits. But from the first session, Sharon found herself pleasantly surprised by the organic, supportive atmosphere.

"The energy created together holds you, it feels very safe," she describes.

"When I drum alone I'm more conscious of the beat, how it sounds, but when I drum with others it's about feeling the vibrations all across my body, and I find it much easier to enter a theta state - and then there's the connection with other women, we hold the space for each other, and no-one is judging, just supporting."

For Sharon, the drumming circle has become a sanctuary in a chaotic world. "It feels primal in a world that is dominated by technology, you feel a collective consciousness in a society that is set up to drive individualism," she reflects.

"I leave feeling hopeful, renewed, reinvigorated…just wish you had two sessions a month!"

To those who may be hesitant, Sharon says,

"You'll be guaranteed a warm welcome, I think most of us feel it's a big deal just showing up.

And if you don't want to dance, you can sit, if you don't want to drum, you can listen or shake a rattle.

And if you don't want to chant, you can enjoy the vibrations of those who do.

No-one is pressured to do what isn't comfortable."

The energy created together holds you, it feels very safe. When I drum with others it’s about feeling the vibrations all across my body, and I find it much easier to enter a theta state - and then there’s the connection with other women, we hold the space for each other, and no-one is judging, just supporting.
— Sharon

Ailie's Insights: Tuning into Intuition

Ailie was drawn to the drumming circle as a way to connect with other women. "The circle ended up being that but much more, as I found it to be a space to let go, calm my nervous system and gain perspective and insight," she shares.

The physical sensations of drumming have been particularly powerful for Ailie. "I love the feeling of the drum vibrations, it is releasing and energising, and makes me want to move my body," she describes.

"I love connecting with others and often feel mesmerised by the rhythms that organically arise from the group. I always feel transported by Ruth's guided meditations and the vocal toning has felt very powerful, drawing my awareness around the body and helped me to notice imbalances and explore my voice, which has felt insightful and empowering."

Shamanic drum journey

Ailie's message to newcomers?

"You don't need to know anything about drumming to come along and enjoy being part of a drum circle.

It is not about learning to drum, but rather tuning in to intuition."

She adds, "I love the drumming circle, thank you Ruth for leading it, you do a marvellous job."

You don’t need to know anything about drumming to come along and enjoy being part of a drum circle. It is not about learning to drum, but rather tuning in to intuition.
— Ailie

Katie's Encouragement: No Experience Necessary

Katie, who has been developing her spirituality for a few years, wanted to explore drumming as part of her journey. She describes her experience as "freeing, with everyone drumming in unison, creating a different form of meditation."

For those considering trying the drumming circle, Katie offers these words of wisdom: "You won't know unless you try. Come with no experience and no expectations, and just see where it takes you." She also emphasises the welcoming atmosphere, noting that she was "made to feel welcome by a lovely bunch of ladies, with no pressure to perform."

Shamanic drum

Gratitude and Invitation

We are deeply grateful to Jane, Sharon, Ailie, Katie, and all the women who have shared their drumming journey with us. Your stories are a testament to the power of drumming and its ability to awaken the divine feminine within all of us.

If you feel called to embark on this journey of self-discovery and connection, we invite you to join our circle at the
Bristol Goddess Temple. Here, you'll have the opportunity to explore your own rhythm, connect with like-minded women, and tap into the wisdom of our ancestors.

Whether you're an experienced drummer or a curious beginner, there is a place for you in this circle. Come as you are, with an open heart and a willingness to embrace the power of drumming together.


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